Good morning, Earth Spirits!
As I sit here on my couch, listening to a lovely New Moon Ritual playlist on Spotify, I’m trying to figure out where to start with so many things (spiritual and otherwise) intersecting today. Today at 4:36AM, the new moon entered Aquarius and today ushers in the Lunar New Year. Aquarius is a sign that carries a strong energy of independent thinking, a visionary energy that encourages us to dream the seemingly impossible and to pursue our desired path with clear vision, strength, and courage. Aquarius asks us to dig deep inside ourselves and ask what spark of unique light are we going to bring to the world.
The Lunar New Year begins today as well and it is the Year of the Snake: a powerful, transformative year. The snake asks permission of no one, transforming itself as needed to shed a skin that no longer fits. It seeks out what it desires with a clear, almost supernatural, vision — able to see beyond what just the eyes behold. The Year of the Snake holds for us an opportunity to shed what no longer serves us and to make our way towards our goals with a clear, unyielding vision of what we want and need.
In just a couple days, the pagan community will observe Imbolc, a Midwinter celebration dedicated to the goddess Brigid: keeper of the flame, harbinger of spring, and mistress of the arts both, healing and crafting. Brigid is lauded throughout Britain and Ireland and is widely considered to be one of the most powerful of the ancient deities. She is worshiped for her blessings of fertility, fire, and life sustaining nourishment and many festivals and celebrations are held in her honor to this day.
All three of these events coincide to bring us a message of light and vision for the coming year. We have an opportunity over the next few days to dive deep into our craft and practices and hone in on what light we want to bring to our homes, families, and communities over the remaining winter season and into the rest of the year.
I have a few ideas…
And yet, as it write this, I’m hesitant to share my “insights” because I think, “who am I to guide others in this realm? What do I have to offer that you don’t already have?” But that hesitation lets me know that I’m on the right path, because the visionaries have to surrender to that vision and surrender means we know that there is a greatness outside of ourselves that cannot exist with out our participation. Each of us has a vision of what we want to be and how we want to fit into the world and how we want the world to be better. Only we can manifest that unique vision. But, it requires clarity, boldness, and I think most importantly — community.
This community is at the heart of my vision: a community that will uplift one another, help to shoulder the burden when life feels too heavy, and encourage one another along the path. My vision of community brings light to a dark, heavy world, but because there are many of us within this community, that task of light-bringing does not fall on the shoulders of just one or two. Because we are many, our collective light shines even brighter than we imagine!
This Aquarius New Moon (which is my own, personal Moon Sign) asks me to examine how I fit into the structures of society and how I can better connect and support my friends, loved ones, and community within these structures. It also asks me to think outside of the box and develop a clear vision of how I want to engage outside of these societal structures to create connection in new, and unconventional ways. How can I begin to make the small changes necessary to better align myself within my community and pursue this vision? How do I want to grow my light and vision of community this year?
For insight, I dove into the Imbolc Seasons of the Witch Oracle Deck by Lorriane Anderson and Juliet Diaz. It includes an Aquarius spread with four questions: 1) How can I make the most of Aquarius’ energy of vision and independence? 2) What is an action I can take to stimulate fresh ideas? 3) What action can I take to move forward with those ideas? and 4) How can I manage any stress created by having a unique perspective? I encourage you to pick up the deck and work with it to dive deeper and uncover ways you can bring forth your own light and vision. Or, use these prompts with your own deck (but I really liked the flow I got with my reading by using the Imbolc deck.)
As always, thank you for reading my ramblings, and for being such and integral part of my envisioned community.